Solo Exchange Armada

My stats: OPs 42, M-level 127, ops locked on most combat research.
Spocks Club Log

James T. Kirk, Spock, Khan Noonien Singh on the bridge, and
Ent-E Troi, B’Elanna Torres, Neelix, Beckett Mariner, D’Vana Tendi, and Tom Paris below deck.

No exos, no buffs. Khan hits 100% crit rate halfway through round 5, so increasing crit damage with Troi, and getting 50% crit damage from Hull Breach from B’Elana are key.
This is a lot less effective on shorter fights that aren’t solo.
Neelix is in the mix because of 1 level in each of the Star Path burning researches.

Note – 40 Epics are easier, but wasteful for me since the 37s fill my cargo hold.