roasted garlic


Roasted Garlic


  • Bunch of bulbs of garlic
  • Olive oil for drizzling, and more for preserving.
  • Salt
  • Aluminum foil, cut into squares big enough to completely wrap the garlic bulbs. 1 square per bulb


  • Preheat oven to 400F
  • Gently peel outer layer of the garlic bulbs. (optional)
  • Trim the top to expose the cloves.
  • Place a trimmed bulb, cut-side up on each piece of foil.
  • Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil & sprinkle some salt on top..
  • Wrap the foil around the garlic.
  • Place in muffin tray, and pop in the oven for 35min +/-5 (lightly browned). You'll need to carefully peel the foil back to see how roasted the bulbs are.
  • Optional bake for an additional 15 minutes for a sweeter, and darker garlic clove.
  • Let the bulbs cool down on a rack, peel them out of the bulbs, fill a jar, cover with olive oil, and store in the fridge for up to one week.


If it's not all gone within a week, you might want to re-think your life choices.