Keto Pub Food #1

Testing some recipes out live, let’s see how they turn out!

They look pretty good, not thrilled with the result.

Baked rings and tendies
Fried onion rings, coconut flour underneath the egg wash!
Extra crispy, the dark colour is from the oil getting dirty, these were cooked to a perfect 165F internal temperature.

These really need a spicy dipping sauce, or a lot more spice in the keto breading. The frying oil also got dirty very quickly. The group pic on the left was baked, except the dark tendie that was fried. I ended up using keto panko flakes (1:4 old cheddar to pork rinds by weight), and I still ended up adding some coconut flour to make it more dry.

Drying the onions and chicken before mashing it into the coconut flour, and then the egg dip before the “panko flakes worked well, but I don’t like the taste of coconut flour in here, and I find it dries things a bit too much.
I think flash frying the exterior to dry the rings and chicken before the egg dip and panko flakes might be better than the coconut flour.