The following rules expand on the guidelines we give in CoC. Please read and be mindful of them. The biggest thing is communication and making sure people don’t waste time if possible. Nothing will ever be perfect, but if we limit that where possible it will help!
Rules for Launcher:
- Launcher will announce desire to run armada(s) to confirm there’s interest, power and bodies available. For Formadas this includes confirming people can start and carry all 3 legs.
- Launcher will announce if there are any desired crew requirements, support ships desired, power requirements, reserved spots, plans to speed up, and if Going AFK.
- Launcher will announce people getting stars and try to star those who first called out they are on their way, otherwise commited, or who have a spot reserved (unless Launcher is afk). Starring is dependent on time, power, and crews. Launcher will make an effort to rotate people, if running multiple. This is not a speed typing contest.
Rules for people attending armadas:
- Attendees will call out in AC that they are on their way to the armada after confirming they can reach it in time and meet the requirements. Please include the launcher’s name to avoid confusion; i.e. “OMW Chef” is sufficient.
- Attendees will bring a reasonably powered (and crewed) ship, unless required to bring more power to help carry the armada. E.g. please don’t send G5 ships to G3 armadas, or please don’t send loot crew if anchoring an armada. These actions may dilute loot for players that can’t make bigger armadas, or cause an armada to fail.
- Attendees that have been announced as getting stars will NOT leave to join a different armada unless instructed to do so.
- Attendees will announce if going AFK.
Formada specific rules.
Please join with only 1 ship unless slots are open in the last minute or power is required.
-smaller ships please join leg anchored by largest ships