

  • Why vinegar? It helps set the egg white faster, and keeps it together. We expand on this in the final version.
  • 180-190F – gentle simmer we do not want an rolling boil. Some folks suggest 160-170F, this also works, and the time to poach will be a lot closer to 6 minutes. 180F is small bubbles, and is my personal minimum temp. 3-4 minutes at 180-190 is soft set white with runny yolk.
  1. Egg in 2 cups of water 2 tbsp vinegar.
    swirl, slowly lower the egg into the middle, very gentle simmer, 4-6 minutes, remove with slotted spoon, dry on paper towel to make it pretty.
  2. As above, no swirl???
  3. As above, but strain the watery whites in a fine mesh strainer.
  4. Why don’t we simply poach the egg in the fine-mesh strainer? Excellent question – let’s try it ! (I get a gold star for not making the super obvious pun).
  5. Sheer insanity – crack the eggs in a 1:1 ratio of water to vinegar. Let it sit for 10 minutes. This should create a little balloon of egg that we poach for 4-6 minutes, perfect every time?

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